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程序开发 2023-09-08 10:14:10


How to Become a Web Developer

So, you want to be a web developer. The one problem? … You have no experience working in the tech industry. You’ve taken courses and spent hours on personal coding projects, but the Experience section of your resume is still glaringly irrelevant. Transitioning into a new field is never simple. You wonder if you’re ready. You wonder if anyone will take you seriously. You wonder if you can get work.

因此,您想成为一名Web开发人员。 一个问题? …您没有在技术行业工作的经验。 您已经参加了课程并花了几个小时进行个人编码项目,但是简历中的“ 体验”部分仍然毫无意义。 过渡到新领域从未如此简单。 你想知道你是否准备好了。 您想知道是否有人会认真对待您。 你想知道你能否得到工作。

Trust me: don’t let those doubts get in your way. In truth, it’s not that difficult – as long as you make sure you’re adequately prepared before making the leap. These seven guiding steps will help you make a seamless transition into web development.

相信我:不要让那些疑虑成为您的障碍。 实际上,这并不那么困难-只要您确定在飞跃之前已做好充分的准备即可。 这七个指导步骤将帮助您无缝过渡到Web开发。

1.获取清楚你想要做什么 。 (1. Get clear about what you want to do.)

The clearer you can be, the more specialized a plan you’ll be able to develop. Don’t cast too wide a net: narrow down your choices.

您越清晰,就能制定出越专业的计划。 不要撒网,要缩小选择范围。

While there is some value in being a jack of all trades, most companies (and clients, if you’re a freelancer) are hiring for a specific role, with specific skill sets.


How can you get clear about what it is you want to specialize in? Trial and error, research, and skills assessment tests are a good place to start. But knowing yourself is more important: your likes, your dislikes. Do you want to write code all day? Do you prefer designing interfaces? Figure it out.

您如何弄清楚您想专攻什么? 试用和错误,研究和技能评估测试是一个很好的起点。 但是了解自己更重要:喜欢,不喜欢。 你想整天写代码吗? 您喜欢设计界面吗? 想办法。

2.研究您想工作的工作和公司。 (2. Research jobs and companies you want to work for.)

This can be as simple as scouring job ads. Do any specific titles stand out to you? Read the descriptions and see if you can picture yourself in that role.

这可以像搜寻求职广告一样简单。 有什么特别的头衔对您很重要吗? 阅读说明,看看是否可以扮演这个角色。

When it comes to companies, this is easier than ever with sites like Glassdoor that make it simple to spy on companies. From Glassdoor, you can not only get a ballpark idea of salaries, but also read reviews from current and former employees. Another tactic is to look at people on LinkedIn who actually work in the positions you desire.

对于公司而言,使用Glassdoor之类的网站进行间谍活动比以往任何时候都更加容易。 通过Glassdoor,您不仅可以了解薪水的基本知识,还可以阅读现任和前任雇员的评论。 另一种策略是在LinkedIn上查看实际在所需职位上工作的人员。

Compile a list/spreadsheet of dream job titles, at dream companies.


3.确定在这些角色和这些地方工作所需的技能/经验。 (3. Identify skills/experience you need to work in those roles and at those places.)

Now that you have this list of jobs at companies you are interested in, it’s time to figure out what skills and experience they look for – and where there are overlaps.


An overlap is a skills or experience point that keeps reappearing in these listings. Make sure to note these on your spreadsheet. Are they using React or Angular? MEAN stack or Ruby on Rails?

重叠是一种技能或经验点,不断出现在这些列表中。 确保在电子表格上记录这些内容。 他们在使用React还是Angular? 是MEAN堆栈还是Ruby on Rails?

Another way you can see the technologies being used on a company’s site is by utilizing a tool like BuiltWith. This shows you the frameworks, languages, and more that the site relies on. For instance, we can see that Airbnb uses Ruby on Rails.

您可以看到公司站点上正在使用的技术的另一种方法是利用诸如BuiltWith之类的工具。 这向您显示了该网站所依赖的框架,语言和更多内容。 例如,我们可以看到Airbnb使用Ruby on Rails。

4.填写您缺少的技能。 (4. Fill in the skills you are missing.)

You now have a spreadsheet of dream jobs, at dream companies, and skills/tools that keep reappearing in the listings for those positions.


Now, identify which skills are easier to conquer than others.


You may have related experience already in some areas. Like at your current role, even if it’s not technical, you could use some similar software that is required in both positions – like Microsoft Excel.

您可能已经在某些领域拥有相关经验。 就像您目前的职务一样,即使这不是技术性的,您也可以使用两个职位都需要的一些类似软件-例如Microsoft Excel。

Some of these skills, plain and simple, are easier to learn – like learning Google Analytics, as opposed to, say, a JS library like React when you have little previous JS experience.

其中一些简单而简单的技能更易于学习-例如学习Google Analytics(分析),而不是像以前没有JS经验的React这样的JS库。

Take courses online and/or in person. Read books and/or blog posts. Work on each skill in bite-sized chunks in your free time; trying to learn everything at once is much more likely to overwhelm you.

在线和/或亲自参加课程 。 阅读书籍和/或博客文章。 在您的空闲时间,以一口大小的块来学习每种技能; 试图一次学习所有东西很可能使您不知所措。

5.建立证据支持您的案件。 (5. Build evidence to support your case.)

Next, you want to develop some compelling examples of your work.


It can be hard when first starting out, but here are a few ways you can build up your experience:


  1. Do pro-bono work for friends/family

  2. Build your own projects

  3. Volunteer at a non-profit


When working for free or cheap, make sure to ask for testimonials or recommendations on LinkedIn in return for your time and effort. Also make sure to add any code on GitHub.

当免费或廉价工作时,请确保在LinkedIn上要求推荐或建议,以换取您的时间和精力。 还要确保在GitHub上添加任何代码。

6.通过建立网络和建立在线形象来展现自己。 (6. Put yourself out there by networking and building an online presence.)

Most open positions are filled by being recruited or referred. The traditional application process is virtually dead. And people aren’t just going to stumble upon you hiding in your bedroom browsing Monster.com. You need to put yourself out there.

大多数空缺职位是通过招聘或推荐来填补的 。 传统的应用过程实际上已经死了。 人们不仅会偶然发现您躲在卧室里浏览Monster.com。 您需要把自己放在那里。

Here are a few ways to do just that:


方式1:与业界人士在现实生活中建立网络。 (Way #1: Network in real life with industry people.)

Go to meetups, events and conferences. Afterward, connect with people you met on LinkedIn or Twitter. If you met someone with the job you want (or someone who hires for the job you want!), ask them to get coffee for 15 minutes.

参加聚会,活动和会议。 之后,与您在LinkedIn或Twitter上认识的人建立联系。 如果您遇到了想要工作的人(或为您想要的工作而雇用的人!),请他们喝咖啡15分钟。

Relationship building is critical – especially for newbies. By forging connections with people who have the job or experience you want, you’re creating inroads to companies you may want to work for.

建立关系至关重要,特别是对于新手。 通过与拥有您想要的工作或经验的人建立联系,您可以闯入您可能想要工作的公司。

I already hear some groaning: But I live in the middle of nowhere! And I don’t have the funds to fly to SF or NYC for the hottest conferences.

我已经听到一些吟: 但是我生活在茫茫荒野中! 而且我没有钱去旧金山或纽约参加最热门的会议。

Which brings me to …


方式2:在线联网。 (Way #2: Network online.)

You don’t need to literally be face-to-face to network. You can start a blog, join Facebook and LinkedIn groups, attend virtual conferences, connect with people through email, do Skype calls, contribute to open-source projects, and more.

您无需从字面上面对网络。 您可以创建博客,加入Facebook和LinkedIn组,参加虚拟会议,通过电子邮件与人们联系,进行Skype通话,为开源项目做贡献等等。

Note that even in a digital world, it’s a little bit harder when people only know you from a screen. However, these online approaches are still viable methods to start building name recognition.

请注意,即使在数字世界中,当人们仅从屏幕上了解您时,这也会有些困难。 但是,这些在线方法仍然是开始建立名称识别的可行方法。

For more networking inspiration, check out 6 Real-World Networking Tips for Developers.


7.调整简历/ LinkedIn /作品集。 (7. Restructure your resume/LinkedIn/portfolio.)

As you’ve been brushing up on your skills and networking with industry people, it’s time to spruce up that resume/LinkedIn/portfolio.

当您不断提高自己的技能并与行业人士建立联系时,是时候重新整理简历/ LinkedIn /作品集了。

First, identify transferable skills. Certain traits are desirable in almost any role. These can include presentation skills, communication, leadership, time management, problem-solving ability, etc.

首先,确定可转让的技能。 几乎在所有角色中都需要某些特质。 这些可以包括演讲技巧,沟通,领导能力,时间管理,解决问题的能力等。

Next, emphasize your accomplishments. Technical or not, highlight achievements that make you look like an A-player. Even if it’s more of a hobby than a professional accomplishment. (Like how your Paleo food blog won X award.) The tech industry is quirky, anyways. They want a diversity of backgrounds, passions, etc. within their employees.

接下来,强调您的成就 。 不论是技术层面还是非技术层面,突出显示使您看起来像一名A玩家的成就。 即使这更是一种业余爱好,而不是职业成就。 (就像您的古美食博客如何获得X奖一样。)无论如何,科技行业是古怪的。 他们希望员工中的背景,热情等多种多样。

Finally, make a data-backed case that you can succeed in a tech role. AKA, show evidence. This could be a portfolio site with real samples, a GitHub profile with impressive project repositories and contributions, a blog where you’ve written about what you do, stellar LinkedIn recommendations, or a combination of these.

最后,提出一个有数据支持的案例,证明您可以成功担任技术职位。 又名,显示证据。 这可能是一个包含真实样本的投资组合网站,一个具有令人印象深刻的项目存储库和贡献的GitHub个人资料,一个您在其中写了有关您的工作的博客,LinkedIn的出色建议或这些的结合。

下一步 (Next Steps)

You’re all ready to start prepping for your transition into web development! Now, these are just the first steps – the foot in the door stage. Next, you need to ace the interview. And once you’ve landed the job, you’ll need to wow them so you can keep climbing the ladder and moving to bigger and better things. In the tech industry, learning never stops. But that’s half the fun.

大家都准备开始为过渡到Web开发做准备! 现在,这些仅仅是第一步– 踏入大门 。 接下来,您需要进行面试 。 一旦找到工作,就需要给他们赞叹,这样您就可以继续爬上阶梯,朝更大更好的方向发展。 在科技行业,学习永无止境。 但这只是乐趣的一半。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/become-web-developer-7-simple-steps/



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