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机器人操作系统(ROS) 简介

程序开发 2023-09-07 06:25:01





rosdep update


source ./devel/setup.bash


source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash


rospack list


catkin_makecatkin_make install




rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials


roscd beginner_tutorials




catkin_create_pkg package-name


roslaunch -v package-name launch-file-name


roslaunch -screen package-name launch-file-name


加入前缀, launch-prefix=“xetrm-e” 
xterm -e rosrun package node


rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node turtle1/pos:=tim





rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node



rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph






rosparam list


rosparam get param_name


rosparam set param_name


ROS node


rosnode cleanup


rosnode info node-name


$ rosrun rqt_plot rqt_plot

ROS topic


$ rostopic type /turtle1/cmd_vel



rostopic pub topic [args]


rostopic echo [topic]


rostopic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel

查看tf tree 
rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree


rostopic list -v

查看frame id

rostopic echo /first -n 1 --noarr 找到frame id


rostopic info topic-name

rostopic echo topic-name -n 1 --noarr


rostopic pub -r rate-in-hz topic-name message-type message content


$ rostopic find /message_type:

ROS messages


$ rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist

    geometry_msgs/Vector3 linearfloat64 xfloat64 yfloat64 zgeometry_msgs/Vector3 angularfloat64 xfloat64 yfloat64 z

$ rosmsg list: This lists all message

$ rosmsg package [package_name]: This lists messages in a package

ROS services

rosservice list         输出可用服务的信息rosservice call         调用带参数的服务rosservice type         输出服务类型rosservice find         依据类型寻找服务find services by service typerosservice uri          输出服务的ROSRPC uri

ROS bags


$ rosbag record topic_name -o bag_name

We can also record all topics using the -a argument.`

$ rosbag play [bag_name]: This will playback the existing bag file.


rosbag info NAME

rosbag play NAME



The following are abstracts of each graph’s concepts:

using ROS client libraries such as roscpp and rospy. Using client library APIs, we 
can implement different types of communication methods in ROS nodes. In a robot, 
there will be many nodes to perform different kinds of tasks. Using the ROS 
communication methods, it can communicate with each other and exchange data. 
One of the aims of ROS nodes is to build simple processes rather than a large process 
with all functionality. Being a simple structure, ROS nodes are easy to debug too. 
Master: The ROS Master provides name registration and lookup to the rest of the 
nodes. Nodes will not be able to find each other, exchange messages, or invoke 
services without a ROS Master. In a distributed system, we should run the master on 
one computer, and other remote nodes can find each other by communicating with 
this master.

a central location. All nodes can access and modify these values. Parameter server is 
a part of ROS Master

simply a data structure containing the typed field, which can hold a set of data and 
that can be sent to another node. There are standard primitive types (integer, floating 
point, Boolean, and so on) and these are supported by ROS messages. We can also 
build our own message types using these standard types.

a node sends a message through a topic, then we can say the node is publishing a 
topic. When a node receives a message through a topic, then we can say that the node 
is subscribing to a topic. The publishing node and subscribing node are not aware of 
each other’s existence. We can even subscribe a topic that might not have any 
publisher. In short, the production of information and consumption of it are 
decoupled. Each topic has a unique name, and any node can access this topic and 
send data through it as long as they have the right message type.

it needs a request/response interaction. The publish/subscribe model is a kind of oneway 
transport system and when we work with a distributed system, we might need a 
request/response kind of interaction. ROS Services are used in these case. We can 
define a service definition that contains two parts; one is for requests and the other is 
for responses. Using ROS Services, we can write a server node and client node. The 
server node provides the service under a name, and when the client node sends a 
request message to this server, it will respond and send the result to the client. The 
client might need to wait until the server responds. The ROS service interaction is 
like a remote procedure call.

important mechanism for storing data, such as sensor data, which can be difficult to 
collect but is necessary for developing and testing robot algorithms. Bags are very 
useful features when we work with complex robot mechanisms.


Ros source list


Source Space

The source space contains the source code of catkin packages. This is where you can extract/checkout/clone source code for the packages you want to build. Each folder within the source space contains one or more catkin packages. This space should remain unchanged by configuring, building, or installing. The root of the source space contains a symbolic link to catkin’s boiler-plate ‘toplevel’ CMakeLists.txt file. This file is invoked by CMake during the configuration of the catkin projects in the workspace. It can be created by calling catkin_init_workspace in the source space directory.

Build Space

The build space is where CMake is invoked to build the catkin packages in the source space. CMake and catkin keep their cache information and other intermediate files here. The build space does not have to be contained within the workspace nor does it have to be outside of the source space, but this is recommended.

build 目录是build space的默认所在位置,同时cmake 和 make也是在这里被调用来配置并编译你的程序包。

Development (Devel) Space

The development space (or devel space) is where built targets are placed prior to being installed. The way targets are organized in the devel space is the same as their layout when they are installed. This provides a useful testing and development environment which does not require invoking the installation step. The location of the devel space is controlled by a catkin specific CMake variable called CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX, and it defaults to/develspace. This is the default behavior because it might be confusing to CMake users if they invokedcmake .. in a build folder and that modified things outside of the current directory. It is recommended, however, to set thedevel space directory to be a peer of the build space directory.

devel 目录是devel space的默认所在位置, 同时也是在你安装程序包之前存放可执行文件和库文件的地方。

Install Space

Once targets are built, they can be installed into the install space by invoking the install target, usually with make install. The install space does not have to be contained within the workspace. Since the install space is set by theCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, it defaults to /usr/local, which you should not use (because uninstall is near-impossible, and using multiple ROS distributions does not work either).

Result space

When ever referring to a folder which can either be a development space or an install space the generic term result spaceis used.




这会生成两个可执行文件, talker 和 listener, 默认存储到devel space目录,具体是在~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/中.


ROS_ROOT /opt/ros/kinetic/share/ros 
ROS_PACKAGE_PATH /opt/ros/kinetic/share 
PYTHONPATH /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages


所有在msg路径下的.msg文件都将转换为ROS所支持语言的源代码。生成的C++头文件将会放置在~/catkin_ws/devel/include/beginner_tutorials/。 Python脚本语言会在~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/beginner_tutorials/msg 目录下创建。 lisp文件会出现在~/catkin_ws/devel/share/common-lisp/ros/beginner_tutorials/msg/ 路径下.

The use of each folder in ROS package




$ catkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscpp
 # catkin_create_pkg  [depend1] [depend2] [depend3]
$ rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials 

Build Tool Dependencies specify build system tools which this package needs to build itself. Typically the only build tool needed is catkin. In a cross-compilation scenario build tool dependencies are for the architecture on which the compilation is performed. 
Build Dependencies specify which packages are needed to build this package. This is the case when any file from these packages is required at build time. This can be including headers from these packages at compilation time, linking against libraries from these packages or requiring any other resource at build time (especially when these packages are find_package()-ed in CMake). In a cross-compilation scenario build dependencies are for the targeted architecture. 
Run Dependencies specify which packages are needed to run code in this package, or build libraries against this package. This is the case when you depend on shared libraries or transitively include their headers in public headers in this package (especially when these packages are declared as (CATKIN_)DEPENDS in catkin_package() in CMake). 
Test Dependencies specify only additional dependencies for unit tests. They should never duplicate any dependencies already mentioned as build or run dependencies.




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