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程序开发 2023-09-22 21:51:41


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in the past 6 years. The Javascript library React JS is known for giving simple programming experience and improved performance.

在过去的六年中。 Javascript库React JS以提供简单的编程经验和改进的性能而闻名。

It was released by Facebook to resolve the issues of coding and maintenance with their ads. It was developed with an intention to increase and manage Facebook ads traffic. React has successfully delivered the expected outcomes throughout its journey.

它由Facebook发布,以解决广告编码和维护问题。 它的开发旨在增加和管理Facebook广告流量。 在整个过程中,React已成功交付了预期的结果。



最新版本16.12.0已于2019年11月14日发布 ( latest version 16.12.0 was released recently on 14 November 2019)

. The constant up-gradation of the library has given it extreme popularity among custom software developers.

。 该库的不断升级使其在定制软件开发人员中极受欢迎。

According to the Stack Overflow survey, React JS has been voted as the most loved framework.

根据Stack Overflow的调查,React JS被评选为最受欢迎的框架。

这是显示不同框架的百分比得分的图表。 (Here is the graph that shows the percentage score of different frameworks.)

Undoubtedly, React has popularity which is unbeatable by others. It has been kept well

毫无疑问,React的受欢迎程度是其他人所无法比拟的。 保持得很好

由Facebook维护和更新 (maintained and updated by Facebook )

with the help of the developers’ community. You might have read a lot why React is most loved by developers but few are those who tell that why React is a blessing for businesses.

在开发者社区的帮助下。 您可能已经读了很多为什么开发人员最喜欢React的原因,但是很少人知道为什么React是企业的福气。

Probably this is the reason why many top-notch companies with high traffic are writing codes in React. Some of the popular use cases of React are given below:

也许这就是为什么许多流量大的一流公司在React中编写代码的原因。 下面给出了一些React的流行用例:

Instagram: (Instagram: )

a photo-sharing platform that has become a popular social networking site.


推特: (Twitter: )

A globally popular social networking site that has become quite influential for PR as well.


Whatsapp: (Whatsapp:)

A high-traffic messaging app that has gained unbeatable popularity all around the world.


脸书: (Facebook:)

The company which launched this library is maintaining its ad campaigns with the codes of React.


This blog will help the businesses to discover the aspects of React and their impact on the software development projects. So,

该博客将帮助企业发现React的各个方面及其对软件开发项目的影响。 所以,

在您进行下一个定制软件开发时,选择React而不是所有其他编程工具的原因如下: (here are the reasons to choose React over all other programming tools for your next custom software development:)



Benefits of React #1: High Performance:


The performance of a programming technology depends heavily on the DOM which can be understood as the user interface. Any changes in UX bring a change to the DOM. Javascript technologies launched prior to React like Angular used Real DOM.

编程技术的性能在很大程度上取决于可以理解为用户界面的DOM。 UX中的任何更改都会使DOM发生更改。 像Angular之前在React之前发布的Java技术使用了Real DOM。

React正在使用虚拟DOM (React is using a virtual DOM)

. a big advantage of this feature is its ability to eliminate the problem of slow performance by Real DOM. It is lightweight and not specific to a particular browser. It comes free of cost with React and a major reason behind its popularity.

。 此功能的一大优势是它能够消除Real DOM的性能降低问题。 它是轻量级的,并不特定于特定的浏览器。 它是免费的,而React是其流行的主要原因。



Benefits of React #2: Strong Community Support


React has been supported by a top-notch IT brand, Facebook. This library was created to maintain the traffic of ad campaigns by Facebook. Constantly, React gets updates and support from the strong community of Facebook.

React得到了顶级IT品牌Facebook的支持。 创建该库是为了维护Facebook广告活动的流量。 不断地,React从强大的Facebook社区获得更新和支持。

Facebook has invested a lot in React by writing codes of its various products with React. This has been a major reason behind the growing popularity and trust of React in the community of developers.

通过在React中编写各种产品的代码,Facebook在React上投入了大量资金。 这是React在开发者社区中越来越受欢迎和信任的主要原因。

According to Stateofjs research, it has been found out that maximum developers voted for React when they were given this option:


用过了,会再用一次 (used it, would use again)

. Here are the graph and index of the same.

。 这是相同的图形和索引。



Benefits of React #3: SEO-Friendly


If you keep Google aside then there are many search engines like Bing, Baidu, and yahoo that fails to read heavy apps written in Javascript. Reactjs has eliminated this issue and runs without any hassle on the server.

如果您将Google放在一边,那么像Bing,Baidu和yahoo这样的许多搜索引擎将无法读取以Javascript编写的繁重应用程序。 Reactjs消除了这个问题,并且在服务器上运行没有任何麻烦。

The SEO-friendly attribute of this library gives maximum traffic to your app. Wherever possible React can re-use the components which allow users to dynamically control the app. Hence

该库的SEO友好属性可为您的应用提供最大流量。 React会尽可能重用允许用户动态控制应用程序的组件。 因此

如果您希望将应用排名在第一页上 (if you wish to rank your app on the first page)

then there is no other programming technology better than React.


Good Read: How to hire React developers @60% less cost


React#4的好处:React Native用于移动应用程序开发


Benefits of React #4: React Native for mobile app development


React Native is a framework developed by Facebook to develop native apps by using the React library. This framework allows the React developers to create native apps without compromising with the experience of users.

React Native是Facebook开发的框架,用于使用React库开发本机应用程序。 该框架允许React开发人员创建本机应用程序,而不会影响用户的体验。

React native is being used by

React native正在被使用

Skype,沃尔玛,Airbnb (Skype, Walmart, Airbnb)

, etc apart from Facebook. The adopters of React Native are quite happy with their performance. It allows developing native apps with a rich user interface.

等等,除了Facebook。 React Native的采用者对其性能非常满意。 它允许开发具有丰富用户界面的本机应用程序。



Benefits of React #5: Zero entry barrier


After a few days of tutorials, any Javascript developer can start creating web apps with this library. An insight into its basic functions is very easy and can help the programmers to become custom React developers.

经过几天的教程,任何Javascript开发人员都可以开始使用此库创建Web应用程序。 对其基本功能的了解非常容易,并且可以帮助程序员成为自定义的React开发人员。

You will not have to deal with an imposed template, pattern, architecture like MVC. It provides high flexibility and support to the newcomers. One just needs to comfortable with its components.

您将不必像MVC这样处理强加的模板,模式,体系结构。 它为新来者提供了高度的灵活性和支持。 一个人只需要熟悉其组件即可。





React being a


轻量级Javascript库 ( light-weight Javascript library )

is known for its community support and optimum performance. Software developers vouch for this programming tool and show interest in using it in future projects.

以社区支持和最佳性能而闻名。 软件开发人员担保使用此编程工具,并表示有兴趣在以后的项目中使用它。

This is the reason that it has been proved through statistics that React is the most popular framework. For further information, you can talk to a react web developer. They can tell in detail whether you should hire React developers or not for your next software development project.

这就是为什么已经通过统计证明React是最受欢迎的框架的原因。 有关更多信息,您可以与React Web开发人员联系。 他们可以详细说明您是否应该为下一个软件开发项目聘用React开发人员。

In case, you have something to share with us then you can write in the comment section below. I am open to suggestions and criticism as healthy discussions increase knowledge.

如果您有什么需要与我们分享的,可以在下面的评论部分中写。 随着健康的讨论增加知识,我乐于提出建议和批评。

继续阅读,继续分享! (Keep reading, keep sharing!)

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/480070/



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