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程序开发 2023-09-16 19:39:02

ag-Grid Vue组件 (ag-Grid Vue Component)

现场演示 (Live Demo)



用Bower安装 (Install with Bower)

$ bower install ag-grid-vue

用npm安装 (Install with npm)

$ npm install ag-grid-vue

支持的框架 (Frameworks Supported)

Framework specific Getting Started guides: Angular 1 | Angular 2 | Aurelia Javascript | React | TypeScript VueJS | Web Components

特定于框架的入门指南: Angular 1 | 角度2 | Aurelia Javascript | React | TypeScript VueJS | Web组件

建造 (To Build)

例子 (Examples)

See the https://github.com/ag-grid/ag-grid-vue-example for full working examples of what you can do with ag-Grid and VueJS Components.


Examples included are:


带有纯JavaScript的Rich Grid (Rich Grid with Pure JavaScript)

Rich Grid with Pure JavaScript

使用动态组件 (Using Dynamic Components)

Using Dynamic Components

使用动态组件-更丰富的示例 (Using Dynamic Components - Richer Example)

Using Dynamic Components - Richer Example

使用单元格编辑器组件 (Using Cell Editor Components)

Using Cell Editor Components

使用固定行渲染器 (Using Pinned Row Renderers)

Using Pinned Row Renderers

使用全角渲染器 (Using Full Width Renderers)

Using Full Width Renderers

使用组行渲染器 (Using Group Row Renderers)

Using Group Row Renderers

带过滤器组件 (With Filters Components)

With Filters Components

主细节示例 (Master Detail Example)

Master Detail Example

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/a-vue-component-for-use-with-ag-grid/


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