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程序开发 2023-09-02 16:38:45


With Continuity, your Mac and iPhone work pretty well together. You can seamlessly transition between the two platforms…including make phone calls right from your computer. Here’s how.

有了Continuity ,您的Mac和iPhone可以很好地协同工作。 您可以在两个平台之间无缝切换……包括直接从计算机拨打电话。 这是如何做。

For this to work, your Mac and iPhone need to be near to each other. Handoff uses the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol which has a maximum range of about 30 feet outdoors with a clear line of sight. Inside, with walls and wires in the way, its reach is a lot less. Depending on the construction of your house, you might need your iPhone and Mac to be in the same room. The only way to find out is to try and see what happens.

为了使其正常工作,Mac和iPhone必须彼此靠近。 切换使用蓝牙低功耗协议,该协议在室外的最大范围约为30英尺,视线清晰。 内部,由于墙壁和电线的影响,其覆盖范围要小得多。 根据房屋的结构,您可能需要将iPhone和Mac放在同一房间。 找出答案的唯一方法就是尝试看看会发生什么。

接听电话 (Receiving Phone Calls)

Receiving a phone call is pretty simple. If your iPhone and Mac are in range, whenever you get a phone call a notification will show up on your Mac. Click Accept to answer it.

接听电话非常简单。 如果您的iPhone和Mac在范围内,则每当您接到电话时,Mac上都会显示一条通知。 单击接受以回答它。

This picks the phone call up on your Mac, where it’s routed through your iPhone. If you’ve got a headset on, you’ll be able to chat through that. Otherwise, it will use your Mac’s built in microphone and speakers.

这样可以在Mac上接听电话,并通过iPhone进行路由。 如果您戴上了头戴式耳机,则可以通过它进行聊天。 否则,它将使用Mac的内置麦克风和扬声器。

At any time, if you want to continue the phone call on your iPhone, you can tap Touch to Return to Call at the top of the screen. This disconnects your Mac so you’re just using your iPhone normally.

在任何时候,如果您想在iPhone上继续通话,都可以点击屏幕顶部的“触摸以返回通话”。 这会断开与Mac的连接,因此您只需要正常使用iPhone。

正在打电话 (Making a Phone Call)

Making a phone call is also quite simple. Since there’s no Phone app on macOS, you have to use either FaceTime or Contacts.

打电话也很简单。 由于macOS上没有Phone应用程序,因此您必须使用FaceTime或Contacts。

With the FaceTime app, search for the contact you want to call.


Click the phone icon and then select the number you want to dial under Call Using iPhone.


This will start a phone call using your Mac as the speakers and microphone.


This also works if you just enter a phone number manually in the search bar.


With the Contacts app, the process is much the same. Find the contact you want to call and then click the phone button.

使用“联系人”应用程序,过程几乎相同。 找到您要呼叫的联系人,然后单击电话按钮。

Alternatively, if you come across a phone number online (and the web designer has marked it as a phone number), you can just click on it to call from your Mac.


Whatever method you use will only work if your iPhone is within range. If you try to make a phone call while it’s too far away, it will fail.

无论您使用哪种方法,只有在您的iPhone处于有效范围内时,它才有效。 如果您在太远的地方拨打电话,它将失败。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/334195/how-to-make-phone-calls-from-your-mac-through-your-iphone/



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