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Weblogic-学习笔记(5课 配置Domain)

程序开发 2023-09-06 21:09:46

WebLogic 目录结构




At the end of this module you will be able to :

Road Map

Configuring Domains

Configuring Servers
Domain Templates
Console Administration
Command Line Administration

Domain Overview

A domain is the basic administration unit for WebLogic Server.It consists of one or more WebLogic Server instances and logically related resources and services that are managed,collectively,as one unit.
The basic domain infrastructure consists of one Administration Server and optional Managed Servers and clusters.


Domain Overview


AS and MS

The administration server is responsible for providing the configurations for ALL servers of a specific domain and for logging critical(configurable) notifications of the domain’s servers.The administration server is also responsible for monitoring a managed server.A managed server is responsible for performing the business logic.
A managed server gets its configuration form the administration server at boot time and the managed server is the able to execute independently of the administration server. The administration server registers itself with each managed server so that it can receive critical notifications and run-time server state changes.

AS and MS(contd.)

Note that the only configuration folders and files that play a role are those of the administration servers.Managed servers’ configuration folders and files are ignored,because they download all configuration information from the administation server.
The configuration management is implemented through Java Management extension(JMX).The communication between the managed servers and the administration server is via RMI also using JMX.

Configuring a Domain

After inst


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