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openvino API 2.0 与之前版本API差异对比

程序开发 2023-09-23 06:22:58

🥇 版权: 本文由【墨理学AI】原创首发、各位读者大大、敬请查阅、感谢三连
🎉 声明: 作为全网 AI 领域 干货最多的博主之一,❤️ 不负光阴不负卿 ❤️



  • 2. Read a model from a drive
  • 3. Load the Model to the Device
  • 4. Create an Inference Request
  • 5. Fill input tensors
  • 6. Start Inference—同步和异步推理
  • 7. Process the Inference Results
  • 精选专栏
  • 0. python 项目 openvino 的安装

    使用 pip 命令进行安装即可,下载安装速度慢、则考虑指定源

    pip install  openvino-dev
     pip install  openvino
     # 模型转换会用到 
     pip install  onnx
     pip install onnxruntime

    openvino API 2.0 与之前版本API差异对比

    openvino API 2.0 和之前 版本差异较大,本博文属于官方文档的Python版本代码摘录,方便部分官网网络不可达的同学查阅,有个基本了解

    1. Create Core

    Inference Engine API:

    import numpy as np
     import openvino.inference_engine as ie
     core = ie.IECore()

    OpenVINO™ Runtime API 2.0:

    import openvino.runtime as ov
     core = ov.Core()

    1.1 (Optional) Load extensions (扩展算子)

    Inference Engine API:

    core.add_extension("path_to_extension_library.so", "CPU")

    OpenVINO™ Runtime API 2.0:


    2. Read a model from a drive

    Inference Engine API:

    network = core.read_network("model.xml")

    OpenVINO™ Runtime API 2.0:

    model = core.read_model("model.xml")

    2.1 (Optional) Perform model preprocessing

    3. Load the Model to the Device

    Inference Engine API:

    # Load network to the device and create infer requests
     exec_network = core.load_network(network, "CPU", num_requests=4)

    OpenVINO™ Runtime API 2.0:

    compiled_model = core.compile_model(model, "CPU")

    4. Create an Inference Request

    Inference Engine API:

    # Done in the previous step

    OpenVINO™ Runtime API 2.0:

    infer_request = compiled_model.create_infer_request()

    5. Fill input tensors


    6. Start Inference—同步和异步推理


    7. Process the Inference Results



    计算机视觉领域 八大专栏、不少干货、有兴趣可了解一下



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